Friday, October 17, 2008

What I like about the Declaration of Independence (part 1)

America is a place of individual freedom in tension with laws that are there to protect the greater good.

Rights endowed by the Creator - I don't think that the separation of religion from America will ever happen, more so because without a moral basis, laws are arbitrary and dangerous.

Even if the founding fathers did not mean "All men" when they wrote the DOI, they did write it. And today that includes "All men and women" in the eyes of the state. However I am the first to admit that men and women are not equal in all things, but as individuals, they definitely are and should be treated as such.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is where we come from and what Americans believe in, from the time of the writing of the DOI. I like this because there is no guarantee. The only guarantees are Life - from respect for human life - Liberty - the true root of Liberalism, not the entitlement driven fiasco it has become today - and the Pursuit - the attainment is not guaranteed, it is acheivable, but not guaranteed.

1 comment:

Blogerts said...

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Are you sure that's what it says? Doesn't it say Life, liberty, health care, a house and welfare checks?