Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Obama is Scary...

Today, liberal talking points indicated that conservatives are using scare tactics to get people not to vote for Obama. I heard it first on FB in response to a post about Obama not being qualified to run for president (see It was thrown out, but I thought it was a funny lawsuit, brought by the former AG of PA. But then I heard almost the same comments from a caller into a radio talk show this afternoon when I was driving home. I don't get to watch the Today show anymore, because it competes with the Wiggles, Curious George, and Little Einsteins, but I just wasn't prepared for this today...Below is what I posted to a friend on FB in response to my use of scare tactics...

"Here is what initially scared me about Obama:In his book Dreams of my Father, Obama talks about how in college, he gravitated toward the black power and communist movements. That was where he found people he could relate to and where he felt comforted. Then in his political career, as much as he wants to distance himself, and throw these guys under the bus so he is not too closely associated with them, he has been working with Bill Ayers (who aside from being a terrorist still to this day calls himself a communist with a small c) and people like Jeremiah Wright, who preaches hate and anger and black power. These and his association with ACORN and his suing of banks who would not lend to subprime/bad credit low income applicants, which most people admit is a leading cause of the financial crisis we find ourselves in, make it really hard for me to think that he has changed into something that will be good for America. Racism is bad, no matter what the color of your skin, Communism has failed, and the idealistic desire to have everyone own their own home whether they can afford it or not is not economically feasible. I think Obama has vision of a socialist utopia, a la many who have gone before him and failed, whether communist, or many of the European countries that he is so enamored with, which are rapidly becoming welfare states. Why do you think the French elected Sarkozy, who ran as an arch-conservative. Same in Sweden... Its a nice idea and it appeals to the populace, because most people don't take time to look at the more strategic picture. They are too rapped up in what does it do for me today, not worrying about what will happen in the future...see subprime lending..."

On the way home today, I also heard that Gov. Linda Lingle (Republican) of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth records, and somehow he got all of his applications to colleges and transcripts and other stuff sealed from public review. i am all for personal privacy, but when his campaign is allegedly sending out operatives to trash Joe the Plumber, some news anchor in Florida, and Sarah Palin's email, where is the fairness there? Can some one please tell me how to get in touch with my governor's representative who has the authority to seal all my records? Is this how that guy on the radio can give out his SSN and guarantee that you won't have your identity stolen? I heard one Democrat call in and say he couldn't vote for McCain, but if Obama can't be forthcoming with information about his past, then he may just sit this one out.

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