Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell

Following up on my race postings, Colin Powell started all the talk up again with his endorsement of Obama.

The liberals are of course bashing Rush Limbaugh, because he is a staunch conservative and therefore sexist, racist, and generally evil.

Personally, I haven't heard anything from Powell in a long time. I am sure there are lots of things that play into his decision, including his past job as Sec State under Bush. He was not well supported by the administration, and it is up to the man in the White House how to use their people. For Bush Condi is the power broker, and Cheney and Rumsfield had the ear of the President. But Bush is not the first President to marginalize his Sec State for another cabinet post. Nixon and JFK for example relied heavily on their AGs for advice (John Mitchell and Robert Kennedy).

The timing of this endorsement and the criticism of the McCain camp is also suspect. Sort of reminds me of a Hollywood celebrity who we haven't heard from in a while getting back into the spotlight after they have been out of it for awhile. Does Powell have a new record, show, or film coming out? Is there a base motive here of who was going to provide the better job?

As for content, the comment about two more conservative justices on the Supreme Court being troubling. Is that because he thinks there needs to be balance on the court? What about in the rest of the government? Will it be okay for the Dems to do whatever they want with a supermajority in the House, in the Senate, and control of the White House?

And what specifically has he seen of Palin in the past 7 weeks that show her not ready to lead, but Obama is? Because he is so inclusive (except of the people who make money in this country)?

I don't know... I still think we are getting ready for Powell in the Obama administration...

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