Friday, October 17, 2008

Solzhenitsyn's Speech at Harvard

My friend Tim sent me this link. I find this to be a pretty amazing speech that resonates today, 30 years later. Please let me know what you think!

I heard an add for the Dennis Prager show on the radio the other day and he was saying something to the effect that the more rules a society makes, the less they religious they are becoming. I think this is right in line with Solzhenitsyn's idea that the rule of law becomes arbitrary and is not enough without a higher moral, principle driven faith to drive a society beyond the rule of law. Now my question is, can any religion provide these morals? Obviously the Taliban rule in Afghanistan seemed pretty arbitrary, cruel, and evil, but can moderate Islam become the basis for society in Iraq and Afghanistan as Christianity did in the US? What will become of China and Russia where religion was brutaly crushed, now that they are emerging from communism?

1 comment:

Blogerts said...

Wait, you mean religion isn't the root of all evil?