Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Book Reports...

I have been out of town and tied up at work, but flying coast to coast has given me some time to read. Besides the Robert Baer book, Sleeping with the Devil, I read two books on my last trip.
The Shack is the story of a guy living in the Northwest who goes camping one weekend and his daughter is abducted and killed. As they track the killer, they find a shack in the woods in a very remote area with her bloody dress in it. A few years later, the man recieves a note from what appears to be God, requesting that he come back to the Shack for a weekend. While there, he has an experience with God to help lift his burden and move on in life. Very good and probably very helpful for people with a loss and anger at God.

Once an Arafat Man by Tass Saada is the story of a man who was once a PLO fighter, sniper, and driver for Arafat. This book is his testimony and story of his conversion to Christianity and his belief in Christiainity being the way to reconciliation in the Middle East. I saw him speak at my church a few weeks ago, and he described the relationship and history of the factions in the Middle East, which essentially comes from Genesis where Sarah forces Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael into the wilderness. The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael, but they are essentially cousins to the Jews, and God loves them as much as any. Interesting perspecitve and a pretty fascinating person with a very amazing conversion.

Now I am onto Epicenter, by Joel C. Rosenberg...more interesting predictions on the Middle East, based in Ezekiel...

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