Sunday, November 23, 2008

Government Growth in a Recession

I was listening to NPR on my trip to Norfolk two weeks ago. I heard two different talk shows where people were all for bailing out governments. Then I saw a stat that over the pst year or quarter or some time period, the economy has been contracting in every sector, but government is growing at 7%...The NPR people figured that we need to bail out government so more people don't lose their jobs...

How are we supposed to pay for expanded government when we are in a contracting economy. This makes about as much sense as wanting to hire civil servants do infrastructure projects, when there are perfectly capable civil engineering and contracting companies who can do just that, and probably more efficiently.

I highly recommend some courses in economics or maybe just basic balancing of check books at the local community college...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Did you hear the good news? 0bama is going to give bailout to american's that are poverty and middle class.

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