Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conspiracy Theory....Nah, couldn't be....

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might think that Nancy Pelosi, the Obama Administration, or any liberal special interest group had something to do with Michael Jackson's death. I mean really, they are about to drive energy prices through the roof with their little cap and trade ponzi scheme, legalize 20 million illegal imigrants (--I mean new Leftist voters), and socialize healthcare. Not to mention doing their level best to isolate ourselves from the demonstrators in Iran dying in the streets and make it hate speech for Christians to discuss Biblical teachings on homosexuality.

If the mainstream media, or as Rush calls them now, the State Run Media, were independent and not just a wing of the liberal establishment, we might actually have seen some debate on some of these issues. However, since they obviously weren't going to cover them anyway, we can rest assured that our government would never assassinate a mega pop star like Michael Jackson to take refocus the SRM off of any of these isssues...


...Hillary has been MIA lately with all that has been going on in Iran, and aren't the Clinton's experienced at making problems disappear? I hope I can sleep tonight with the black helicopters flying outside my window...

It drove me even more nuts today to hear that Michael Savage (who even by my standards is a bit over the top) was taken off the air for wall to wall coverage of MJ's death, and Hugh Hewitt wouldn't shut up about it all afternoon, even when his audience is begging him to do what he can to defeat these bills that will be made into law in the next few weeks. He claims that should he not talk about it, he will lose ratings. I don't think he understands his audience, even when they are explicitly telling him they don't want to hear it. Like anyone is going to tune into the Salem Radio Network to hear Hugh Hewitt's coverage of Michael Jackson. Come on if you cared, why wouldn't you just go to your local FM pop or R&B radio station? Luckily for my half hour drive time, I have other options besides the arrogant Mr. Hewitt.

Thanks to Roger Hedgecock for fighting off the Man and staying true to the cause, and thanks to the Heritage Foundation, American Solutions, and the Sunlight Foundation for calling spades, spades!

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