Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More "Change" I Can Believe In

I bought Atlas Shrugged, and am bout 20% though it...I am marking pages, and will post my favorite quotes that apply to today and the way of thinking of too many of my fellow country men.

In the mean time, here are a couple of choice news bits...

A fellow blogger at The Conservative Manifesto linked this one, which shows that Obama has made 17 exceptions to his no lobbyists in the administration rule.  But hey rules are meant to be broken, right?  

This one is also a classic,  


I guess Daschle has standards, and understands that as a Senator, he wouldn't have confirmed himself?  Surely that can't be right!    The real interesting part of this story, is that the White House Performance Officer also withdrew her name for tax problems as well.  That is three, two that withdrew, one who was confirmed.

Rules are for other people to follow, especially the rules that a narcissicst makes for what he controls.   But then we the people don't apply are own rules fairly to this new Messiah of the Left.  No way that John McCain would have gotten a free pass on Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, or his association with a group like ACORN.  Obama not only gets a free pass, he just continues to abuse the systems and make excuses for his inexperience, incompetence, and hypocrisy.  

This sucks!

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