Monday, February 16, 2009

Bill Press and the Fairness Doctrine - Did Atlas Shrug?

I heard Bill Press on the the radio the other day promoting the Fairness Doctrine, or something like it. Supposedly, according to Hugh Hewitt, the guy is actually a pretty good talk radio host, but no station will carry him as talk radio is dominated by conservatives, and Bill is a liberal.

I was kind of shocked when he said that he just needed a chance, and he could be just as successful as conservative talk radio hosts, but yet he wanted the government to insinuate itself on his behalf to get more markets opened up to him. This just about made me sick to my stomach to hear, as it is no kidding straight out of Atlas Shrugged, where the men who can't run a company leverage their relationships in Washington to get favorable laws passed for them so that everything is more fair.

I recommend to Mr. Press that he read this book, again if he has before, and see what this sort of attitude leads to.

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